Thursday, November 8, 2007

An answer or two

Apparently, I forgot to clarify a few things in my previous posts. Thanks to all who email and ask questions.

My classes began the same week as my work did. Roughly, a week and a half ago. There are 2 classes, Kita Alef (beginners who cannot read/write/speak/nada) and Kita Bet (those who can read and write and possibly speak). I'm in Kita Bet as I could read and write, altho' I didn't really know exactly what I was reading and writing! Kita Alef, the students are basically all on the same page. In Kita Bet, there is more of a range of ability. I'm actually on the lower end of skill level as several students have had Hebrew through grammar school and 1 or 2 thru high school. Others' parents are Israeli so they have a head's up that way. There's about 10 students in Kita Bet and 25 students in Alef.

As there is only one actual room for classes, the two have to alternate class time. So when Alef is working, Bet is in the classroom and vice versa. My work is approximately an 8 hour day 3 days a week. Class is from 7:30 am - 1:30 pm 3 days a week and at least once in the evening from 5-6:30 pm but it might eventually go to 2 evenings a week. However, each week the schedule is different as they just continue the pattern including Shabbat into the flow even tho' Shabbat we have off. So one week I may study Sun, Tues, Thurs and the next week I'll be working those days.

Well, I hope that clarifies some. I have to sign off as I've spent quite a bit of time online since I was blessed to have 2 people chat with me on yahoo messenger since I began this post. The first contact with friends back home since I've been here - oh how I needed that! Shalom paz peace,
Melinda :)

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

Hey Melinda,
Just wanted to drop by and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! We miss you around here! I love reading about your day and what G-d is doing in your life. He is so awesome!! Can't wait to see those pics:)!