Sunday, October 21, 2007


I’ve heard before that when you read the scriptures in America, it’s in black and white; but when you read them in Israel, the scriptures are in color. I think that was well said. Today I was reading the Parasha (a portion of the torah that is read on a weekly basis) in Genesis where G-d makes a covenant with Abraham about the land of Canaan. I could picture the countryside I’ve already seen and the people I’ve passed on the streets. To think that I am seeing the promise of G-d fulfilled to Abraham right now through all this is awesome. My 3 companions are also part of this promise. I wonder, though, if they realize the enormity of that.


Holly said...

I agree, it is awesome. I've never heard the color saying, but it is true. It is like the words of Torah come to life right before your eyes. When you think about the fact that you are standing in a place where Avraham once stood or Moshe, you get goose bumps. You can feel the energy in Israel and can't help but be energized yourself. I had a great experience there and know that you will too.

Kim said...

This is too cool! I love the story of your first day, too funny. Seems like we say, "Wonder what Melinda is doing now?" every day. (hopefully sleeping some) It will be so fun to log on and get to hear what this next five months is going to bring to you. I wish I was there too!! Well, tell us more and cherish this experience.

p.s. I only remember seeing cats too. Where are all the little "calev"s........or is that calevim?? ha Have a blessed day!!

Jana said...

So true! I can't even imagine what you will see and learn while you are there. I am so excited that you are able to experiance this. I am so excited too that I will get to read about this adventure!!! You are in our thoughts daily.

Katy said...

Technicolor is definatly better, and it only gets better, the closer you get to Jerusalem, then clearer the color becomes!