Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Heavens Declare

Psalm 19:2-3 “The heavens declare the glory of G-d, and the firmament tells of His handiwork. Day following day utters speech, and night following night declares knowledge.”

I have a photo of a white rose with rain drops on it that I took just outside the machson (the laundry complex where I work). I was sharing some of my photos with a fellow ulpanist who works in the washing and drying of laundry. When we came across the rose photo I commented where I took the picture and he mentioned that he never noticed things like that.

I read a while back an article expressing how the technological advances of society, while good, more often than not have drawn our attention, and our soul, away from the heavens (heavens meaning HaShem). In the Western World (as well as other societies that unfortunately want to mimic it) individuals are inundated with media and the constant movement and noise of technology. Unfortunately, one result of this is loss of sight – sight to see the beauty of the world around that declares to those who will listen of the beauty of their Creator.

While technology has the capacity to reduce the stress of living through washing machines, microwaves, telecommunications, etc. so that we do not have to strive so much to live, it seems that it has advanced so rapidly that we don’t know, or didn’t take the time, to incorporate them into our lives – but rather incorporated our lives into the technology. We need to stop and ask ourselves if we have allowed these wonderful inventions truly to enrich our lives or merely take ahold of our lives. Do we know how to stop and enjoy the simple act of being? Can we be mindful of our Creator and the bigger picture of our lives in every act we perform?

How long has it been since you’ve truly taken time to stop what you’re doing and look around you to see the beauty waiting to be seen, to contemplate the wonders behind the creation and the Wonder of the Creator? Get out of the city to a quiet place away from distractions and notice the world around. If you can’t leave the city, go to a park or your backyard or even in the middle of your walk from one building to the next, pause and look at the sky or literally stop and smell the roses. I challenge you to take time in the middle of your routine to stop and get out of it, even for a moment, to look around and to listen to the declarations of the heavens, night and day.

1 comment:

Jana said...

Amen!!! Wow that was good! You are so right, I do believe that we have become so dependant on technology that we can't even get away from it for a moment to notice G-d's creation.

We do forget to stop and smell the roses. Thanks for the sound,wise advise. I may just have to go for a walk tomorrow.